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Miniature pictures of the Lucca Codex

Eight miniature pictures are included in the full-page illustrations of Hildegard's last book "Liber Divinorum Operum" (1163-1170), the so-called "Lucca Codex", which is kept at the state library of Lucca/Tuscany (Italy). These miniature pictures show Hildegard von Bingen as she works on her famous writings at cloister Rupertsberg, supported by her noble disciple Richardis von Stade and friar Vollmar.

Compare this: Know the ways — Scivias. After the original text of the illuminated Rupertsberger Code of the Wiesbaden State Library translated into German and edited by Maura Böckeler, 8th edition 1987.

vSpacer Rupertsberg: Lucca Codex 'Liber Divinorum Operum' Slide Show

Literature: Charlotte Kerner: Alle Schönheit des Himmels. Die Lebensgeschichte der Hildegard von Bingen, Beltz & Gelberg, 8. Aufl. 1998

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