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Dhronecken Castle near Thalfang

Not far from Thalfang, in the pleasant valley of the "Little Dhron" (Kleine Dhron), lie the ruins of Dhronecken Castle. This was possibly the ancestral seat of the hero from the Nibelungen, Hagen von Tronje. From the 14th century the "Office of Tronecken" (to which Thalfang also belonged) was administered from here. The present structure was built around the former castle and is used by the forestry office. The picture shows the keep of the old castle, as it is today, viewed from within the courtyard. A visit to Dhronecken Castle combines well with an eventful circular hike. You begin at the Thalfang train station and climb, past Bäsch, up to Röderberg (641m), where you will find the remains of a Celtic ring wall. From there you continue along the ridge of the mountain to the Ausonius circular hiking path and follow this down into the deeply cut valley of Röderbach, the so-called "singing valley", at the foot of Erbeskopf. Follow the water down into the valley until you reach the Röderbach forester's house then (Forsthaus Röderbach), a short time later, cross the road along the Hunsrück ridge (Hunsrückhöhenstraße) and you finally reach Dhronecken Castle, following the creek all the way. The nature trail to Thalfang follows Thalfang creek, which here flows into the Little Dhron, and returns to the starting point of this hike.

Photo: The present Dhronecken castle complex in the valley of the Little Dhron was built around the ruins of the former castle and is used by the forestry office, among others.

vSpacer hSpacer Dhronecken Castle in the valley of the «Little Dhron» river («Hochwald» Forest) rFrame
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