Nahe Valley
This is a landscape that has been cultivated since ancient times.
In Celtic times grapes were grown here and in Roman times there existed a
multitude of magnificent luxury villas with floor heating and large floor
mosaics, which are without parallel north of the Alps. This, however, also
indicates a very mild climate and one of the regions in Germany with the
least precipitation. There are three spas, which benefit from the geological
features of this region.
Hunsrück Region
Prominent rock formations encompass vast plateaus. There
are deeply cut creek valleys, swampy moors on the slopes of the mountain
range ("Brüche"), and many old-growth forests with characteristic plant
and animal communities. There is also farmland with fields and pastures for
free-ranging livestock. The natural boundaries of this region are formed by
the course of the Nahe river in the south, the Saar far to the west, the Mosel
in the north and the Rhine in the east.
In the picture above, the view from the keep of the Koppenstein castle ruins above Gemünden extends
over the vast high plateau of the Hunsrück with its villages, fields and pastures. The plateau
is dominated by the many untouched forests on the Soonwald heights.
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