Hochwald with the Erbeskopf (818 m)
The Hochwald with its dense forests surrounding the 818 metre high Erbeskopf
(the highest mountain west of the Rhine in Germany) is a fertile source of
legends and heroic tales. Many researchers of local history suspect that this
pristine area of Hunsrück is one of the central settings for the medieval
Nibelungen song.
In fact, Dhronecken castle at the foot of Erbeskopf mountain is thought to
be a possible family seat of Hagen von Tronje and Hagen's friend Hunold is
thought to have come from nearby Hunolstein castle. Moreover, the towns of
Worms and Alzey —the most important locations in the Nibelungen song— are
little more than a day's ride on horseback from the Hunsrück mountain range.
There is, admittedly, virtually no evidence for any of this in the many accounts,
which are full of "local-colour", for only the expulsion of the Burgundians
from Worms after their defeat by the Huns is historically proven. The rest
probably comes from the pen of a medieval poet who, around the year 1200,
combined two originally independent legends into one courtly drama about love,
passion, revenge and, naturally, gold. The poet quite deliberately did not
describe the setting of his story in great detail, for it could actually be
anywhere. But those who have a closer acquaintance with the Hochwald and have
experienced how the autumn mist in the forests evokes a singular, enchanted
mood or how the spring generates such a living, vibrant atmosphere, know that
the poet can only have had this area in mind as the location of the Nibelungen
Hiking guides
Wolfgang Bartels: Hunsrück; DuMont Buchverlag, 1996
Norbert Forsch: Hunsrück; Deutscher Wanderverlag, 2000
A picture book worth looking at
Uwe Anhäuser: Heimat am Idarwald; VG Rhaunen, 2001
Photo: Fireweed (Chamaenerion angustifolium)